This guide goes over the specifics of creating and managing a NetFoundry network using the web console.
Create a Network
The steps for creating a Network are straightforward. Go to Networks at the bottom left or hit the "+" symbol in the top left to get started.
- On the 'Create a New Network' screen, you can give your network a unique name.
- You can select the required provider of choice and region
- A network in NetFoundry Cloud can be created with a YAML or JSON file. You can also download the JSON or YAML backup of an existing network and use the same to re-create the network in future.
Hit on "Create My Network" and the automation will kick in to start the provisioning process.
Your new network will show a grey spinning globe and a status of 'Provisioning' while it is being created. In a few minutes, the globe will turn green and the status will change to 'Provisioned'. After that, you are able to create your other Network components.
Manage Your Network
To manage your existing Network, navigate to Networks. Click on a network row to edit it. Use the ellipsis menu at the end of each row to take actions on an individual network. Use the select bubbles in the first column of the table to select multiple networks for bulk delete.
Firewall Info option helps to avoid firewall conflicts by whitelisting the mentioned outbound attributes.
Notification enables the creation of alarms for specific network events by creating a notification subscription. Just select an event type, the network it applies to, and where you would like to receive notifications.
Delete option allows you to delete a network, not edit it.
Download enables to take backup of the network either in JSON or YAML file type and it can be used to recreate the network.
Network Dashboard
For Network Overview and Component information, navigate to the Dashboard by Selecting the Globe ("Network Settings") at the upper left of the Console. When the Management buttons appear, select the "Network Dashboard" button. This will give you an overview of your currently selected network. Select Component boxes or Navigation buttons for specific component management. Network utilization time-frames and active endpoints can be customized by selecting the desired time box.
To move to the next steps, you have to provision identities, routers, services and service policies. The support hub has the articles to guide you with the steps.