The NetFoundry Cloud - Network Dashboard

Network Dashboard 

The network dashboard provides a high-level overview of your network, showing you important information at a glance. The dashboard is composed of several components:

1. Resource Counts

At the top of the dashboard, you will find the counts of the individual resources that exist on your network - AppWANs, Services, Identities(Endpoints), Routers, and Router Policies. Clicking on any of these boxes will bring you over to the management page for the particular resource, where you can add/modify/delete items.

2. Network Usage (Current Cycle)

The Network Usage section displays a simple network utilization graph that indicates how much data has traversed your network during the current billing cycle. It also extrapolates how much data you will consume by the end of the cycle, based on current usage patterns.

3. Network Utilization

The network utilization graph plots network usage over time. The time scale buttons, located in the upper right-hand corner of the pod, can be used to select the time period you are interested in viewing. When you change the time scale in this pod, it will also change the time scale in these other pods - Active Identities(Endpoints), management & network event timeline, and Top X reports.

4. Active Identities(Endpoints)

The Active Identities pod shows the number of active individual identities that are online and passing data on your network for the given time.

The time scale in this pod is controlled by the time scale options in the Network Utilization pod.

5. Top usage by Identities/ Services/ Edge Router

The 'Top X' pod displays the top "talkers" over the network including identities, services, and edge routers. 

This pod helps to determine the top usage by Identities(Endpoints), Services, or edge routers.

The time scale in this pod is controlled by the time scale options in the Network Utilization pod.

6. Service Health

The Service Health pod lists the aggregate service health of the top 10 services in the network and the % success/failure rate. The data is available for the last 1 hour / 6 hours / 24 hours / 7 days and 30 days.

The time scale in this pod is controlled by the time scale options in the Network Utilization pod.

More information can be found on the Service metrics under each service config in the console in the metrics icon on the top left.

7. Management Event Timeline

The Management event timeline pod displays the most recent Provisioning events [Network, Service, AppWAN, AD-Sync, etc.] at a glance.

The time scale in these pods is controlled by the time scale options on the Network Utilization pod.

8. Network Event Timeline

The network event timeline pod displays the most recent edge router, and endpoint Offline/ Online events at a glance. This can be useful for operations. 

The time scale in these pods is controlled by the time scale options on the Network Utilization pod.

Identities(Endpoint) events are also available against each identity. You can view specific events of an identity by clicking on identities---> Identity name ---> events in the console.

9. Events Section

More information on the management & network events can be found in the Events section, which you can navigate by clicking the green globe in the top left-hand corner of your screen and selecting Events from the list. 

  • The data is available for the last 1 hour / 6 hours / 24 hours / 7 days / 30 days / 6 months / All time.
  • The console also allows you to search for network events, and management events for specific time frames.
  • The users/ admins can swap between UTC / Local ( browser) time.
  • The search option allows users/ admins to search in the management events section with the Name of the network resource and event description. 

8. Network Visualizer

Network Visualizer allows network administrators to see how all the different components fit together and their relationships. The network visualizer also displays edge router utilization

Identities(Endpoints) service path visualizer

The Identities(Endpoints) visualizer can be found under the Identities(Endpoints) section for console admins to view the endpoint service path covering the NF-hosted edge routers and the endpoint/edge router hosting the destination service.

Select the Identity(Endpoint) for which you would like to view the service path and select 'visualize'. On the window that pops up, select the service for which you would like to view the service path. The service path also depicts the status of the identities(endpoints) and the edge routers.

The animation in the visualizer is visible when the CloudZiti console is accessed on a Mozilla Firefox browser.

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