NetFoundry Support Guide

NetFoundry Support

NetFoundry provides its customers and partners direct access to NetFoundry support. 

The options to reach the NetFoundry Customer Support Desk & the process is provided here.

Please note that not all packages are available in all regions. Please check with your NetFoundry Representative or mail for more details.


Web Portal Support  Yes  Yes
Email Support   Yes  Yes
Deployment Support*  No  Yes
Technical Account Manager**  No Available
NetFoundry Platform Availability SLA  99.5%  99.95%
Quarterly Business Review***  No  Available
Severity One Issue  12 Hours  1 Hour
Severity Two Issue  24 Hours  2 Hours
Severity Three Issue Community Support (Best Effort)  12 Hours


Deployment Support - NetFoundry shall assist the customer in the onetime deployment of the solution with best practices, sample deployment and testing of sample services. 


Best Effort: 

Best effort is defined as making a reasonable attempt to accomplish a goal in the face of uncertainty as to whether a goal can be met. There is no guarantee of resolution or availability and no legal recourse.

Severity  Levels:

The severity levels referred to are further defined here :

Severity One Issue A NetFoundry network or portion of a network is down and impacting a customer’s critical business function.
Severity Two Issue A NetFoundry component is working abnormally and impairing your ability to work. 
Severity Three Issue NetFoundry components are not installing or acting as expected or a non-production system is not working correctly.  This Severity is also used for questions and requests around our services.


Escalation process and Escalation Matrix:

If you wish to escalate a support issue that is not attended to as per the response times described above,  you can mention "Level 1 escalation" or " Level 2 escalation"  on the ticket and cc the e-mail ID of the escalation point of contact.



SELECT -  Response time

PREMIUM  – Response time

Severity One Issue

Level 1

Level 2


>12 Hours

> 18 Hours


> 1 Hour

> 2 Hours

Severity Two Issue

Level 1

Level 2


>24 Hours

> 36 Hours


>2 Hours

> 3 Hours

Severity Three Issue

Level 1

Level 2



>12 Hours

> 18 Hours



Level 1

Level 2


Head of Customer Support


Head of Operations


* NetFoundry will work with customers to schedule implementation items that may require attention from NetFoundry and/or the customer e.g. architecture reviews, upgrades of components, etc.

** Named individual to oversee customer success, schedule periodic reviews of product updates, discuss enhancement requests.

*** Quarterly Business Review with the customer will be scheduled through the Technical Account Manager and will cover a review of the current setup, metrics, a review of support cases, outstanding issues, enhancement requests and any topics introduced by the customer prior to the meeting.


Other support guides:

NetFoundry and Customer scope of activities & responsibilities

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