This guide will provide basic instructions on how to configure the NetFoundry VM NTP to sync time with an external source.
The NetFoundry VM is configured to automatically sync time, but we've changed over the years.
To determine which service is installed, you can use systemctl status to find out.
systemctl status ntp
systemctl status chrony
Chrony service
The current ER image comes with chrony preinstalled. For older images, please refer to the "NTP service" section.
For the Chrony service, the VM is preconfigured to sync time automatically to the following sources:
The main configuration for chrony is located at the following configuration file
If you'd like to add or remove sources from the list, simply edit the configuration file & add or remove to the entries.
Once changes are made, please restart the service with the following command:
sudo systemctl restart chrony
To learn more about chrony configuration(s) you can use the following command while in an SSH session on the NetFoundry VM:
man chrony.conf
To learn more about chrony, you can visit the chrony website.
NTP service
This service is preinstalled on the older ER images.
For the NTP service, the VM is preconfigured to sync time automatically to the following sources:
The main configuration for ntp is located at the following configuration file
If you'd like to add or remove sources from the list, simply edit the configuration file & add or remove to the entries.
Once changes are made, please restart the service with the following command:
sudo systemctl restart ntp
To learn more about ntp configuration(s) you can use the following command while in an SSH session on the NetFoundry VM:
man ntp.conf
To learn more about ntp you can visit the website