This install guide will walk you through the steps required to run the NetFoundry VM in your VPC.
You could place the VM in a private subnet or public subnet, and private subnet is typical. The private subnet is best if your Edge Router will merely host a Service that is reachable inside the VPC. The public subnet is only necessary if your Edge Router will listen for Endpoints or listen for other Edge Routers or both. For most networks, a self-hosted Edge Router will only host Services and so does not need to be reachable in a public subnet. For placement in a public subnet the instance must be configured to auto assign IP to facilitate auto-configuration of listeners. You may refer to the AWS article about IP addressing.
Video Guide for AWS customer ER provisioning:
Before You Begin
Before you can launch an instance of the NetFoundry VM, you must subscribe to the offer in the AWS Marketplace:
- Visit the NetFoundry Edge Router on the AWS marketplace
- Click on the "Continue to subscribe" button and on "Accept Software Terms"
- AWS Marketplace should say "We are processing your request"
The software terms need to be accepted only one time per AWS Account, after which you may launch as many VMs as you wish.
See Edge Router Sizing Guide for information on sizing.
Launching the Instance
Launching a NetFoundry VM in your AWS VPC is straightforward.
- In the NetFoundry console, create an Edge Router that is not "hosted". This means your Edge Router is self-hosted in your AWS account instead of NetFoundry's datacenter. Click the "registration key" button to copy it to your clipboard.
- In AWS Marketplace, wait a minute or two for the "configuration" button to become available when your subscription is approved.
- In AWS Marketplace, choose the AWS region where your VPC is located. Click "Continue to launch"
- In AWS Marketplace change the default launch method from website to EC2 and proceed to the EC2 launch form
- In EC2 launch form select your VPC and the subnet in your VPC
- In the field "user data" enter this script, substituting {key} with the registration key from your clipboard. This is a two-line script and paste it as is with the reg key. Remember not to use the { } while entering the key
/opt/netfoundry/router-registration {key} - In the NetFoundry console, confirm the Edge Router is REGISTERED within ten minutes.
- Now you may create a Service and select this Edge Router to host it.
Advanced Registration Parameters
In the above example we used the most simple form of the router-registration command. Know more about the registration command and the parameters available for special cases such as configuring transit link listeners in How to Register the Edge Router VM.
Default Login User
The default username for the NetFoundry Edge Router is: ziggy
Finding the Amazon Machine Image (AMI) with the CLI
Once you have subscribed to the VM offer in Marketplace and discovered the AMI ID for any region you can use that to look up the Marketplace product code which is consistent across all regions.
# lookup the current product code by searching for the AMI ID for a particular region after subscribing in AWS Marketplace
❯ aws --region us-east-1 \
ec2 describe-images \
--image-id ami-086671bb16f8f058b|jq -r '.Images[].ProductCodes[].ProductCodeId'
# print the AMI ID for all regions
❯ aws --output text ec2 describe-regions | while read REG ENDPOINT OPTIN REGION; do
aws --region $REGION \
ec2 describe-images \
--owners aws-marketplace \
--filters "Name=product-code,Values=eai0ozn6apmy1qwwd5on40ec7" \
--query 'sort_by(Images, &CreationDate)[-1]' | \
jq --arg region $REGION '{name: .Name, region: $region, id: .ImageId }'
If automatic registration seems to have failed you may instead perform manual registration with these instructions.
Asking for Support
Please create the "support bundle" by following these instructions and then ask for support.