This update covers items released over the last month. Release Notes from June 7 and June 22 are covered in this bulletin. Highlights include the release of "combined router + tunneller endpoint image for customer edge routers" , addition of multiple processes checks to end point posture check feature and the extension of NetFoundry Trial account period from 7 days to 14 days.
Combined router + tunneller endpoint ER images:
NetFoundry has improved the process of creating a customer edge router that requires to also run a tunneller endpoint on it. For all network versions starting from 7.3.28, a router endpoint will be automatically created and registered for every customer edge router that is created and registered. This release was published on June 29th 2021.
Edge Router - Created and registered:
Corresponding endpoint is auto created and provisioned on the same edge router
Note that this endpoint cannot be edited or deleted. You can also note that for the endpoint that's created, the App ID is ziti-router and endpoint type is Router.
Service creation is further simplified:
While creating a simple service you can select endpoint hosted and select the corresponding endpoint or endpoints. Router hosted services is being retired for new ERs that are provisioned post 29th June 2021 on network versions 7.3.28 and above. Since the router endpoint is available, advanced services can also be created to support IP / Port ranges.
Edge routers can now be added to the APPWANs via corresponding router endpoints in addition to device endpoints
You can continue to host simple services on customer edge routers provisioned before 29th June 2021.
Multiple process check - Posture Check
Process check - under "Posture Checks" now supports Multiple Processes. At least one of the processes active is required to pass the posture check. Example below checks that the device is running one of the two antivirus processes.
Re-issue of expired endpoint tokens:
The console now offers the option of regenerating registration tokens for endpoints whose tokens expired without registration.
Free Trial - 14 days:
NetFoundry now offers 14 days of free trial period against the earlier offer of 7 day free trial period. Our systems are getting updated to reflect this change. Our prospects now get more time to test various features of the platform.
Software Releases / Updates
- Updated WDE released - https://github.com/openziti/desktop-edge-win/releases
- Updated Linux tunneler released (check that your ERs and controller are on the same version as the tunneler) - https://github.com/openziti/ziti/releases/tag/v0.20.10
- Do follow our console release notes here - https://support.netfoundry.io/hc/en-us/sections/360002331391-Release-Notes
Closing Thoughts
If you have any questions about these features or anything to do with NetFoundry please contact us at support@netfoundry.io