Deployment Guide for GCP Edge Routers



This install guide will walk you through the steps required to launch a NetFoundry Edge Router VM in your GCP Project and assumes you have already created the Edge Router in your NetFoundry network and captured the registration one-time key.


Video guide for provisioning customer ERs in GCP:

Launching the Edge Router

To get started, visit the GCP Marketplace site by clicking here. If the marketplace doesn't come up, you can go to the search bar that appears, enter NetFoundry Edge Router and click the resulting solution that appears.


GCP uses terraform as it's backend & requires a service account to deploy the infrastructure. 

This Service Account requires the following roles & can be created as part of launch:

  • roles/config.agent
  • roles/compute.admin
  • roles/iam.serviceAccountUser

Supply the information requested:

  • Deployment name: Specify the name of the instance you would like to use.
  • Deployment Service Account:  Service account used to launch Terraform
  • EdgeRouterRegistrationKey: (OPTIONAL) This field allows you provide the edge router registration key that will passed into the launching image. Automating the registration portion of the setup. You can access the gateway via ssh & register after this deployment is complete.
  • SSH instance level key: (OPTIONAL)If you would like to apply an instance level SSH key.
  • Machine type: The instance type and size for your appliance. For optimal performance, it is recommended that small (2 vCPU/8 GB RAM) is chosen, or better.
  • Zone: Specify the region you would like to launch your appliance.
  • Boot disk type: SSD Persistent Disk is appropriate for the appliance since there is minimal disk I/O for the instance.
  • Boot disk size in GB: The instance by default comes with a 10 GB boot disk.
  • Network name / Subnet name: The network you would like to place your appliance in.
  • Firewall: (OPTIONAL) If you would like to allow ssh access to your instance, please check the box & fill out the restricted source ip/networks. We do not recommend leaving this open to if you choose this option.
  • IP forwarding: Must be set to on, if you would like to reach applications within your networks.

Once the parameters are filled in Click on "Deploy"


Advanced Registration Parameters

In the above example we used the most simple form of the router-registration command. Know more about the registration command and the parameters available for special cases such as configuring transit link listeners in How to Register the Edge Router VM.


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