Platform Update - August 2021


This update covers items released over the last month.  Release Notes from July 7 and July 22 are covered in this bulletin.  Highlights include the release of "attributes explorer", "Endpoint Service Path Visualizer" and the addition of source transparency feature for advanced services.

Attribute Explorer

Attributes in NetFoundry provide a user friendly approach for grouping endpoints, services and policies in configuring networks. Attributes explorer feature helps in searching and viewing services, endpoints, edge routers and posture check policies by the attribute name. Upon searching for the required attribute, one can then modify the entities. This feature would be of great help for console admins to verify policies in the troubleshooting and operational processes. 



Recent Alerts - Network Alarms & Notifications

Under the notifications section (bell shaped icon in lower left panel), Network Alarms section has been added. Currently, the Edge router online/offline alerts are shown in this section. Notifications section shall list errors in the platform if any. This feature is available on networks starting 7.3.27. 



Source IP Transparency for Advanced Services

Source IP transparency feature has been added to the advanced services. Enabling the source transparency allows the source IP of the device to be visible at the destination app of host. While having it disabled, the source IP will be NATTED to the IP of the egress router or endpoint . Make sure that the source IPs have a route allowed at the destination network.

Note: Do not use "" in the allow source addresses field as it will result in loopback route provisioning on the egress Edge Router.  



Endpoint service path visualizer

Endpoint visualizer feature has been added under the endpoints section for console admins to view the endpoint service path covering the NF hosted edge routers and the endpoint / edge router hosting the destination service.

Select the endpoint for which you would like to view the service path and select visualize. On the window that pops up, select the service for which you would like to view the service path. The service path also depicts the status of the endpoints and the edge routers.



The animation in the visualizer is visible when NF console is accessed on a mozilla firefox browser.

Software Releases / Updates



Closing Thoughts

If you have any questions about these features or anything to do with NetFoundry please contact us at



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