This bulletin covers features released in August and September 2022 and other updates. Highlights include update on "browzer", launch of Linux tunneler packages and MFA support for Linux tunneler.
Improvements to event manager view:
- Swap between UTC / Local ( browser) time
- Search option allows users to search in the management events section with Name of the network resource and event description.
- One can search the network events section with the resource name.
Software upgrades in WDE:
You can now disable automatic software upgrades from Windows Desktop Edge if you wish to manually control software updates. Software updates can be disabled in WDE via advanced settings - Configure Automatic Upgrades.
Note: It is always a best practice to keep automatic upgrades enabled so that the device runs the latest software. When enabled again from disabled state, WDE shall download and install the latest update that is available ( if it is not running the latest version). Installation will automatically happen at the end of 7 days or one can update it on demand by hitting the "Update Now" button.
Launch of RPM / DEB packages of Ziti Linux Tunneler:
The RPM / DEB packages for Ziti edge tunnel for Linux allow the tunnel to run on the OS as a service. Refer the support guide for details.
MFA support for Ziti Edge Tunnel for Linux:
Ziti edge tunnel for Linux now supports MFA. Refer the support guide for instructions on setting up and using MFA from Ziti edge tunnel for Linux.
BrowZer (beta):
We have been working on the launch of the "BrowZer" based zero trust access for apps that need to be private. The solution establishes a zero trust connection from an internet browser and secures the connection at the network layer for any browser based application. This solution can be opted in scenarios where a NetFoundry endpoint installation on the device is not feasible (example B2B access) or if the device is accessed by multiple users ( Public or shared devices). BrowZer will see it's launch initially to support Chrome and subsequently to more internet browsers. Refer the blog on browZer. We have been using our instance of Mattermost app via "Browzer" internally at NetFoundry. See the article here on why and how we made Mattermost, a private app at NetFoundry
Updates on ZTAA - Zero Trust Application Access and ZTHA - Zero Trust Host Access:
NetFoundry and our customers have been working together on the journey of application embedded zero trust networking that is the most secure of all the zero trust network models. Here are some of the many examples of how NetFoundry can secure networks for apps and workloads:
- How to secure NodeJS based applications with Ziti.
- Using Ziti Python SDK
- Secure your private API connections - AWS API gateway example
Read more at NetFoundry For developers
Articles , updates and software releases:
- Follow our ziti releases at - https://github.com/openziti/ziti/releases
- Updated WDE released - https://github.com/openziti/desktop-edge-win/releases
- Updated Linux tunneler released (check that your ERs and controller are on the same version as the tunneler) - https://github.com/openziti/ziti-tunnel-sdk-c/releases
- Try out the latest versions of our mobile edge at the playstore / appstore
- Watch the announcements space for updates about open issues or things that impact our services.
Closing Thoughts:
Watch our youtube channel and openziti channel for updates, demos and all exciting stuff on NetFoundry. If you are interested in our "Browzer" solution, or if you have any feedback about these features, please contact us at customer.success@netfoundry.io