This update covers items released over the last month. Release Notes of November 7th and November 29th are covered in this bulletin. Highlights include improvements to " Network Events" and the option of selecting the location of the Network controller for new networks.
Network Events Vs Management Events:
The events section in console now segregates Network Events Vs Management events.
You will also notice that we have started flashing endpoint online / offline events in the console. This is also available under network event timeline
Resource level metrics
Select your location for the network controller ( New networks only):
Console now provides the option of being able to select the location of the network controller while provisioning networks.
Support Guides / Software Releases:
- Solution recipes updated with video guides and new solution recipes added
https://support.netfoundry.io/hc/en-us/sections/360002329291-Solution-Recipes - Updated WDE released - https://github.com/openziti/desktop-edge-win/releases
- Updated Linux tunneler released (check that your ERs and controller are on the same version as the tunneler) - https://github.com/openziti/ziti-tunnel-sdk-c/releases/tag/v0.17.24
- Try out the latest versions of our mobile edge at the playstore - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.openziti.mobile
- Follow our console release notes here - https://support.netfoundry.io/hc/en-us/sections/360002331391-Release-Notes
- Watch the announcements space for updates about open issues or things that impact our services
Closing Thoughts
If you have any questions or feedback about these features or anything to do with NetFoundry please contact us at customer.success@netfoundry.io