NetFoundry made a change to our development process by moving from two week delivery of new features and fixes into our platform to a continuous delivery model. This decreases the time our customers need to wait for updates. To help our customers better understand what has been delivered in the platform we will be creating once a month platform updates. Release Notes here on the documents section will also continue to be updated as well with date ranges as part of the title rather than a release number.
The new features or enhancements made to the platform since the start of January 2021 are detailed below, where applicable we have also indicated supporting documentation. If you have questions please let me know at
Console Enhancements
Network Dashboard Refresh
In preparation of adding additional visualization and reporting to the platform, you probably noticed a change to the Network Dashboard page. This included the addition of the active endpoints chart (this is the number of endpoints actively passing traffic across the NetFoundry network), and a change in the top navigation widgets. We’ll have more on the network visualizer as it becomes available.
Reporting and Analytics
Provides a new report on the daily utilization of each endpoint that is part of a network.
UI/UX Improvements
A number of enhancements in the tables of endpoints and edge routers now provide more information in the table; including the ONLINE/OFFLINE Status; the O/S on which things are installed, the IP Address, Version of Software etc. Additionally, the ability to add/remove columns within the tables and size the columns has also been enabled.
Ensuring High Availability of Services
Eliminating single points of failure for our customers is always good practice and to this end we have recently introduced the ability to host/terminate a service from up to 4 Customer Hosted Edge Routers ensuring both the reliability and resiliency of your service connections. This is done by editing Services or when you create a new Service by hosting that service from 2 or more Customer Hosted Edge Routers as shown by clicking the “Add Another” button.
Endpoint Enhancements
The Ziti Desktop Edge for Windows is now automatically updated when a new release is available.
Endpoint Security - Posture Checks
Postureintroduces the concept of security posture checks for ensuring client devices are operating within the proper system requirements defined by the NetFoundry Network administrator before accessing NetFoundry Services.
There are several types of Posture Check:
- device is running an expected operating system, optionally limited to minimum or maximum OS version or both, e.g. MacOS >= 11.2
- required processes e.g. navapsvc.exe (Norton AntiVirus) is running and has expected sha256 sum
- device has expected MAC address
- device is a member of expected Active Directory Domain
To learn more and use Posture Checks read the Support Documentation.