Run the Edge Router VM on Your Own Equipment


This install guide will walk you through the steps required to launch a NetFoundry Edge Router VM on your private cloud VM stack e.g. VMware, Virtualbox; and assumes you have already created the Edge Router in your NetFoundry network and captured the registration one-time key. We will refer to this VM in some places as the virtual customer premises equipment (vCPE).

Alternatively, you may be seeking

MD5 and SHA256 checksum:

If you wish to verify that there is no malicious actor modifying the image and it's contents, you can use the MD5 or SHA256 checksums to confirm the authenticity.

vmware - OVA image: 

md5    sha256

Virtual box image: 

md5    sha256


md5   sha256


md5   sha256

To verify the checksum of the image downloaded:


sha256sum [file location] 

md5sum [file location] 

For example:

sha256sum ~/Downloads/filename
md5sum ~/Downloads/filename

How it Works

Data sessions inside your NetFoundry Network are established outbound from your on-premises Edge Router VM to your dedicated, hosted Edge Routers in NetFoundry data centers. The return path of the data session is utilized to receive data from the Endpoints in your NetFoundry network.  As a result, inbound firewall configuration is generally not required for full functionality. This method is similar to STUN/TURN.

See Edge Gateway Sizing Guide for information on sizing your gateway VM for required throughput.

When to Contact Customer Support

The VM is configured to work with a single virtual network adapter. Please consult with customer support if your requirements include a VM with multiple interfaces (multi-homed), IP forwarding/routing for an attached subnet, or high availability.


Get the VM

Select your desired VM stack from the NetFoundry Downloads page:

  • VMware: VMDK disk, VMware specific ovf file. open-vm-tools is installed.
  • Virtualbox: VMDK disk, VirtualBox specific ovf file.
  • KVM: QCOW2 disk with README file
  • Hyper-V: Gen1 VHD disk with README file

Register the VM

If your VM stack provides a way to run a script on first boot you may use something like this, substituting your own registration key:

/opt/netfoundry/router-registration {key}

In the NetFoundry console, confirm the Edge Router is REGISTERED within ten minutes. If you are unable to inject a first boot script then you may log in after first boot and manually run the same commands.

Advanced Registration Parameters

In the above example we used the most simple form of the router-registration command. Know more about the registration command and the parameters available for special cases such as configuring transit link listeners in How to Register the Edge Router VM.



The default username and password is "ziggy".  NetFoundry recommends you change the password after initial setup.  You can change the password using the following command:


We highly recommend replacing the password authentication with ssh keys.  In order to accomplish this, you would need add an ssh public key to the local /home/$USER/.ssh/authorized_keys file, creating the file if it doesn't already exist.  Once you verify ssh access is working, you can disable password authentication by editing the file /etc/ssh/sshd_config & changing the option "PasswordAuthentication" to "no", then restarting the VM.

NOTE: with the current version of the edge router image, the administrator is enforcing the password change policy when first login:

How to Configure Static IP Address

On The edge router image, we have provided a helper script to set static IP.



Choose the network interface you want to modify from the list, and enter at least the IP, PREFIX and Gateway field to complete the setup.

At the end of setup, you should have some setting like this:


Hit "0" to finish the setup.





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